
Who We Are

Rohi Foundation is a non-profit, grassroots, non-governmental organization founded and registered in Cameroon since 2007 with the mission of promoting peace, human rights, education and humanitarian action in the society. We envision a society where every action is motivated by compassion and love. Our Motto is: Faith, Hope and Love.

Management of the Foundation is carried out under the following two structures: an Executive Bureau and a Board of Trustees.

Miss Sonia Neh
Chief Executive Office
Mr. Ndikum Divine
Program Coordinator, Douala
Mrs. Akwani Judis
Financial Officer
Mr. Ambeise Christian
Program Coordinator, Yaoundé
Miss Bobo Addo
Program Coordinator, Bamenda
Mrs. Mirabel Sirri
Operations Manager
Mrs. Fuhbang A.F
Board Chair
Miss Fobin Trinity Lum
Board Treasurer
Dr. Mrs. Yoh Medetoh Sandrine
Board Secretary
Mrs. Meh L. M
Board Financial Secretary
Dr. Emmanuel Tanifum F.
Founder & member
What We Do
Since its creation, Rohi Foundation has promoted peace and human rights in the Cameroonian society. The foundation has also mobilized humanitarian assistance to those with extreme challenges: orphans, widows, the sick, teenage mothers, persons with disabilities, internally displaced persons (IDPs), the unemployed, etc. The Foundation has equally provided educational support, psycho-social assistance, and palliative care to the most vulnerable children. Moreover, the foundation has provided entrepreneurship and vocational training to youths. Since the start of violence in the English speaking part of Cameroon in 2016, Rohi Foundation has centered its actions on civilian peacebuilding, and education to the most vulnerable children in the conflict zone. Presently, Rohi Foundation is carrying out several projects among which are the following:
  • Youth Peacebuilding: a project that aims at de-radicalizing and reducing youths’ vulnerability to the violence in the English Speaking regions of Cameroon and also equipping them to face the educational challenges provoked by the violence.
  • Peace Education Clubs: a project that aims at providing a platform where both pupils and teachers learn skills, exchange experiences, teach others and apply the knowledge of peace in their everyday life.
  • Peace Education Campaigns: a project that aims at creating awareness on the need of peace education in the Cameroonian society.
  • Vital Education For Most Vulnerable Children: this project seeks to provide vital and quality primary education with improved psychosocial wellbeing to these most vulnerable children which otherwise will not be able to go to school in the conflict zones.